Great !
You have already taken the first step by opening this page.
Follow the steps below to join the ranks of the more than 150,000 people just as yourself who volunteer each year. Everyone is a volunteer - even the National President of AYSO.
This will be one of the most rewarding activities of your life!
- Register as a volunteer on this website. Write down your AYSO ID number (you will need it). Please make sure you "esign" the application. This first part must be completed by every volunteer each year.
- Great you have completed the second step!
- Now for the Pennsylvania State background checks. (click here)
- You have now completed step three!
- Step four is AYSO Safe Haven Training which everyone volunteer must complete. Proceed to AYSO Online Training, type in your AYSO ID number and then your last name.
- When the next page opens, look at the Safe Haven column on the left side of the page and click start now at the bottom of the page.
- Select the first course under Safe Haven and follow the instructions.
- Once you have completed and passed the test, you have completed the fourth step!
- Step five is the required coach and/or referee training.
- Proceed to the AYSO Training page for coach and referee trainings.
- Important note:
AYSO has announced important steps to ensure that every AYSO child has the best possible soccer learning experience. Coaches and assistant coaches in every division in every AYSO Region are required to have AYSO’s age-appropriate training and AYSO Safe Haven® certification when they take the field. The policy was approved and adopted by the National Board of Directors at their July 2009 meeting and is supported by the National Coaching Advisory Commission.
The coach-training policy will roll forward each year adding one additional level of required age-specific coach training until, by the 2015 membership year, every AYSO coach and assistant coach at every level will be appropriately trained for the team they will coach.
Thank you for becoming a volunteer to help our children!
If you have any questions, please contact any Regional
Board Member.